Title: Forever
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Series: Wolves of Mercy Falls - Book #3
Genre: YA, Paranormal Fiction
Page Count: 400 Pages (Hardcover)
Pub. Date: Published 2011 by Scholastic Press
Rating: 5/5

The thrilling conclusion to #1 bestselling Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy from Maggie Stievater. In Maggie Stiefvater's SHIVER, Grace and Sam found each other. In LINGER, they fought to be together. Now, in FOREVER, the stakes are even higher than before. Wolves are being hunted. Lives are being threatened. And love is harder and harder to hold on to as death comes closing in.
~My Review~
A friend of mine was reading Forever at the same time as I was, but finished it first and told me that she didn't like the ending. So I stopped half-way through, not wanting to shatter my love for the series with an unsatisfactory ending.
Fast-forward a month, and I couldn't take not knowing...and I loved it. I was quite happy with the whole book. Funny how everyone seems to react differently to it. I have been reading reviews and they seem to be all over the map.
Personally I don't think that Maggie could have ended this series any more perfectly. Maybe it's because I love Cole and there was lots of him, maybe it was because I quite enjoyed the ending, but I loved Forever. I laughed, I cried, and I hugged the book when I finished the last page.
It seems to me after reading a few other reviews and talking to that friend who wasn't happy with the ending, that maybe I am skilled at reading between the lines - at putting two and two together and getting the closure that everyone seemed to be begging for. Or maybe I am just an eternal optimist, so when things are left to my imagination, I see all sunshine and rainbows.
I liked the ending, it wasn't drawn out or over done. It left me with the sense of mystery I had throughout the series without leaving me on the edge of a cliff. Love prevailed, just desserts were served, and answers were whispered instead of shouted.
Don't get me wrong, do I wish there had been an epilogue telling me that everything turned out ok? Hell yes! Do I wish certain characters had lived? Absolutely! Do I secretly wish that Litter was more than just an April Fools joke so that I could see Sam and Grace living their happily ever after? You betcha! But I liked that the strings were left a bit untethered, so that I could weave them into my own perfect ending, full of possibilities - and sunshine and rainbows of course :)
Bravo Mrs. Stiefvater Bravo!
Fast-forward a month, and I couldn't take not knowing...and I loved it. I was quite happy with the whole book. Funny how everyone seems to react differently to it. I have been reading reviews and they seem to be all over the map.
Personally I don't think that Maggie could have ended this series any more perfectly. Maybe it's because I love Cole and there was lots of him, maybe it was because I quite enjoyed the ending, but I loved Forever. I laughed, I cried, and I hugged the book when I finished the last page.
It seems to me after reading a few other reviews and talking to that friend who wasn't happy with the ending, that maybe I am skilled at reading between the lines - at putting two and two together and getting the closure that everyone seemed to be begging for. Or maybe I am just an eternal optimist, so when things are left to my imagination, I see all sunshine and rainbows.
I liked the ending, it wasn't drawn out or over done. It left me with the sense of mystery I had throughout the series without leaving me on the edge of a cliff. Love prevailed, just desserts were served, and answers were whispered instead of shouted.
Don't get me wrong, do I wish there had been an epilogue telling me that everything turned out ok? Hell yes! Do I wish certain characters had lived? Absolutely! Do I secretly wish that Litter was more than just an April Fools joke so that I could see Sam and Grace living their happily ever after? You betcha! But I liked that the strings were left a bit untethered, so that I could weave them into my own perfect ending, full of possibilities - and sunshine and rainbows of course :)
Bravo Mrs. Stiefvater Bravo!
My Rating: 5/5

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